Running a web bot/spider that downloaded a very large number of pages - more than could possibly justified as "personal use". Automated spam (advertising) or intrustion attempts (hacking). Eventually, you'll start to get a better understanding of the mechanics of the game and how to progress through the war with some effectiveness, but it's a grueling and time-consuming chore that's likely to frustrate all but the most hard-core wartime strategy fans.Your current IP address has been blocked due to bad behavior, which generally means one of the following: And considering some decisions you make early on might not have a noticeable impact until much later, you may not realize you're in an unrecoverable position until you've wasted more hours of effort.
Instead, you'll be learning the basics through trial and error - a LOT of trial and error. While the game does technically feature a tutorial for new players, it's pretty much useless for teaching you how to play. With its sparse graphics, dense menus, and heavy focus on statistics and deep strategy, Hearts of Iron IV caters to a very specific audience, and it's not exactly kind to newcomers. On the other hand, it also makes for an overwhelming experience to all but the most dedicated fan of the genre. On the one hand, this makes for an intensely involved experience where even the smallest change can have a global impact. The developers of Hearts of Iron IV understand this and have put together one of the most detailed and complex World War II strategy games available. War is a series of tough choices strung together and overlapping each other, with consequences that reverberate long after decisions are made. There are lots of words that can be used to describe the events of the Second World War, but "easy" will never be one of them.
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